
Award winning e-learning production since 1996

What We Do

OCB Media is a specialist e-learning and online educational resource developer with extensive experience of the healthcare sector. We provide a complete end-to-end service for the production of e-learning content, as well as the provision and development of Learning Management Systems.

Since 1996 we have focused on making evidence based digital training interventions that are more effective and affordable for our clients. Whilst the technology that helps us deliver this has changed over the years, our central vision of producing training material that is accessible, flexible and engaging has remained the same.

OCB Media has a long history of collaboration and partnered with many respected healthcare organisations to develop a wide range of training materials, including the Department of Health, Health Education England, the Royal Colleges, the National Institute for Health Research and NHS Trusts.

We also collaborate with University College London, Imperial College London, the University of Birmingham and the University of Leicester on research activities in the field of learning technologies.

Our services are also available to the private healthcare sector. We have successfully supported a number of multinational pharmaceutical companies with the introduction of new educational resources and promotional activities.

Our History



OCB Media formed

The company is established in June 1996 at the University of Leicester and is based at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

First e-learning title released

Our first CD-ROM educational resource, ‘MCQs: Questions in Paediatrics’ is released, marking the start of a long and productive relationship with the Department of Child Health.

Learning catalogue expansion

A further five titles are released over the next two years, primarily focused on paediatric medicine. The company is recognised as an Authorware specialist.


OCB Media becomes the first company to successfully spin out from the University of Leicester.


The company receives its first award from the British Medical Association for ‘Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine’.

Spotting the Sick Child (SSC)

First edition of ‘Spotting the Sick Child’ released in partnership with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to national acclaim. The fourth edition is released in 2017.


An intensive period of product development resulting in the publication of 40 individual e-learning resources. This period marks the evolution of outputs from CD-ROM, through DVD-ROM and eventually Internet based delivery.

Learning Management Systems

Work starts on an in house Learning Management System, setting the company on the path to technological self-reliance.

Safe Prescriber (SCRIPT)

First edition of ‘Safe Prescriber (SCRIPT)’ released in collaboration with HEE and the University of Birmingham. The programme goes on to be become a multi award winning national training resource for the NHS. The fifth edition is released in 2018.

National Early Warning Scorecard (NEWS)

First edition of the ‘National Early Warning Scorecard’ released in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians and the NWL CLAHRC. The programme goes on to be mandated for the NHS and is released internationally. The fifth edition is released in 2018.

Ophthalmology – A Multimedia Guide

Release of our first educational resource for the developing world, filmed entirely on location in Tanzania and Malawi. This is followed by ‘ENT’ and the World Health Organisation’s ‘56 Interventions’. A social enterprise ‘World Medical Education’ is spun out to take forward development in this area.

Health Education Learning Management

OCB Media in partnership with the University Hospitals of Leicester release a portfolio of statutory and mandatory NHS e-learning modules with an associated LMS, collectively referred to as ‘HELM’.

100th Resource

OCB Media celebrates the release of its 100th e-learning training resource – the Critical Care Physical Assessment (CPAx) tool with Imperial College London.


The Foundation Colposcopy is released in internationally to commercial success, to be followed by the Advanced Colposcopy course in 2018.


A dedicated quality improvement product released in partnership with the NWL CLAHRC.

Further Awards

OCB Media receives its 10th national award for e-learning development including a third award from the British Medical Association.

5th generation LMS released

Work on our 5th generation LMS is successfully completed and released to clients worldwide.


The national HEE Safe Prescriber programme reaches a milestone of 500,000 successfully completed e-learning modules, with over half of UK medical academia utilising the resource in addition to the entire HEE Foundation Programme.


In spring of this year the NEWS2 resource passed a milestone of 300,000 e-learning sessions being successfully completed by NHS staff.  Independent research publications show that the adoption of NEWS2 by the NHS is directly responsible for reducing patient mortality nationwide.


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic a specialist SCRIPT module is developed and released.  Over the spring and summer of this year SCRIPT is made freely available to the entire NHS and a dedicated NEWS2 variant is created for the NHS Nightingale Hospitals.

Mental Health and Autism Awareness

A suite of learning resources spanning 17 modules, the Mental Health and Autism Awareness packages from OCB Media represent the next generation of e-learning materials and production capabilities.
© OCB Media 2025. All rights reserved.